April A to Z Challenge – Letter C




Cork in a bunch of varieties can be used.  You could use the corks from wine bottles, provided you find a way to remove the sulfates and sulfites that would have been absorbed from the wine.


Or just use a variety of corks siliconed to the backgound 1779142-lot-of-corks-Large-number-of-used-wine-corks-Good-for-background--Stock-Photo  Or easier yet, Maryland Cork Company has a product called Cork Insulation where they take a bunch of granulated cork and put it in a mold which is placed in an autoclave and steam baked.  This causes the natural resins to liquify and once cooled the mass solidifies.  The end result is a very natural product that looks awesome.

Here is an example of a tank that used this product.  First photo shows it sparsely planted and the second is fully planted.

DSC_0012JPG-ed parker before
Dendroboard.com – Mantellaprince20 AKA Ed Parker
DSC_0034JPG-ed parker
Dendroboard.com – Mantellaprince20 AKA Ed Parker

-Easy to mount plants on background

-lightweight background

-Looks nice on interior and from exterior


-Hard to create depth & contour

-Can get pricy

-wouldn’t trust it to hold much weight

Have you ever used cork for your background?  Did the plants love it?  How did it turn out?

Hope you enjoyed day 3!  Stay tuned for tomorrow which will feature letter D, yep Saturday!  This Challenge doesn’t stop for Saturdays!  Only Sundays!


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11 thoughts on “April A to Z Challenge – Letter C

  1. Corks and Frogs – interesting post. I love hearing about unusual uses of everyday items. I don’t mind frogs, but have never had any as a pet. Brother and I used to play with the tiny ones that lived in our backyard in Georgia.

    1. I used to catch some as a child up north at my grandparent’s cottage and at the golf course. I think that’s when I knew I was hooked! My parent’s made the mistake of telling me that if I could catch some I could keep them. Next year our pond was covered with frogs!

  2. I know absolutely nothing about frogs, but some of the tanks you’ve shown in your posts so far are just amazing. They’re beautiful and lush. I’m pretty sure my brown thumb would kill just about anything I tried to grow like this. I’m liking the cork idea. Like Mars above, I save my wine corks for crafts…never ending uses of repurposing.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Elle! Once the tanks get set-up and established there isn’t a whole lot to do. I mist once a day and the lights come on & turn off automatically. I am sure you could do it too!

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